Thursday, November 20, 2008

Life is still weird

Flat tires suck everywhere but especially in Barcelona
Sometimes when you plug stuff in smoke comes out and your stuff doesn't work anymore
3 dudes on a futon is 2 dudes too many
Climbing towers in Bologna Italy rules
Formula 1's are the crummiest hotels
We played in the most dangerous city in Italy

Never enough time to see the cities
Paris, Je t'aime
Notre Dame is amazing
We had a d:qliq in Luxembourg
It feels much longer than 3 weeks
So much has happened

We have already driven over 10,000 kilometers
Coming home will be so bitter sweet

Sunday, November 9, 2008

la vida es tan extraña

sleep is sparse on tour
bordeaux is my favorite place in france
my socks stink
the cheese stinks but tastes much better than my socks
france is romantic
no parking in paris
the Eiffel tower looked like disneyland
castles are everywhere

España es hermosa
i love the ocean
i want to live in spain
dancing until 4 am
everyone eats only meat
gary is the funniest person in the world
communicating is more difficult in spain
europeans are surprisingly more racist than americans
obama is our president!!!!!

life can be so fun!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

life is so so werid

germany is great
belgium might be the most beautiful place on the planet
france is so fancy
parking our enormous van is hard everywhere
belgian people are kind

cha and benjamine are belgian cartoon people
their cats peed in our suitcase
french onion soup is way better in france

900 year old cathedrals blow my mind
food here is so much better than american food

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

life is weird

the things i have experienced in the last week:

took pictures with my bro's and a porsche.
flew on planes for what seemed like a lifetime.
no sleep for 56 hours.
drove a van through germany into luxembourg on no sleep.
Finally slept at valentine's home in luxembourg.
Played music for a small group of people at astra strube in hammburg germany.
Fell in love with the food here.
drove to berlin to play a show at hans wurst "a vegan cafe/venue"
ate delicious vegan lasagna and a parsnip apple soup that micha made for us.
witnessed a musical cirkus.
played on a tiny elevated stage in bremen at urlaub "vacation" couchclub
fell in love with a german woman named anna-lena
many many other weird things.
here are some pictures.

weird things have happened in the last few days

Monday, October 20, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tour naps

The real Mel Gibson

Here is an excerpt from my night in fresno.

Tan dirty man: "You know all those Mel Gibson films?"
Me: "Yeah"
TDM: "I made those"
Me: ".......Really ......Which ones?"
TDM: "All of them!"
Me: "Wow"
TDM: "How would you like a new van?"
Me: "I am not sure, having a super sweet van might give me an ego"
TDM: "My gift to you. A brand new van. I am extremely rich."
Me: "That is sweet of you."
TDM: ".......Do you have any change?"
Me: "..... Uh yeah, sure. I have like 40 cents you can have."
TDM: "Thanks. ..... Wanna see my scars from when I got shot?"
Me: "Um ... yes. Yes I do."
TDM: "This one if from a shotgun."
Me: "It sure is."

(Silence as he puts his pants back on)

Me: "Well, ....see you later."
TDM: "Okay, bye."

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Legs that never stop

I met this woman with a cool body on tour.